High Resolution range images with a variety of targets printed on heavy paper to be used with the D.F.A.T Gen 2 HD.
TARGET PACK #2: This includes 10 complete ranges : DFAT Range #13,#14,#15,#16,#17,#18,#19,#20,#21 and#22 (7.5"x11")
HUNTER TARGET PACK : Hunting Ranges #1-#10 (7.5"x11")
ADVANCED RANGES TARGET PACK: #33 & #34 (Wind direction) and #30 (High Angle)
Ranges #30,#31,#32 Includes angle compensation information.(7.5"x11")
#33 and #34 Includes wind examples with target Azmuth and wind direction. (7.5"x11")
#23A&B, #24A&B (7.5"x22")
MIL/LEO TARGET PACK: Includes Mil/Leo Target ranges #1-3, and ranges #13 and #16
RANGE #16: (Individual)
D.F.A.T. Range NRL Hunter Target Pack: Includes Hunting Range #'s 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A,2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5
NRL 22 Target Pack: 14 Targets (7 sheets) named by month and year - February 2021, April 2021, June 2021, July 2021, August 2021, September 2021, October 2021 November 2021, December 2021, January 2022, February 2022, March 2022, April 2022 and a Blank background with all sizes.
Positional Target pack - 3 copies of each 30, 33, 34 & Rifle Kraft. Hang one at tall barricade height, one at Kneeling height and one prone. This will allow you to have a more realistic position shooting at the same range image and moving barricade positions
2023 Real World Ranges: EchoBox NH, Sheepdog NY, Granby MA, Chase The Adventure IA, High Lakes IA, Finger TN, ** Three target reference point ranges ** (very busy range picture with three different target layouts. Each page has 7 different sets of 5 target troop lines)
Scale at 12 Feet 1/4 MOA and smaller: specialized for top level PRS shooters by Troy Tyson at DST Precision.
2023 Variety Pack: Includes: 10 targets, a Standing, Kneeling and Prone target of two identical ranges, two Real world ranges, two target refence point ranges (busy multiple targets). All of the ranges include the MOA Key with targets 8 MOA down to .25 MOA
1 Review
Dfat target pack
Great product, high resolution couldn’t ask for anything more